Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Does EU and Gordon Brown never stop goofing?

This man never listens - and then he is forced to make a U-turn later.
10p scandal; Gurkas; you name it.
Here's the latest.

Broadband over Powerlines (Power Line Telecoms/ PLT) may provide a cheap method of watching TV over Broadband and connecting other digital equipment but is has some very serious interference pitfalls. Despite these shortcomings, the EU, supported by the UK Government, have treated with contempt legitimate complaints from some very respected organisations NATO, BBC, ERA Technology & York University plus many in Europe.

Why is this? It was recognised from the outset that PLT had inherent technical problems with respect to interference but such was the onslaught of the commercial interests that it was agreed Regulations would be ignored in the interest of Broadband commercial success.

Will the misguided politicians and bureaucrats never learn?
Is it not that very same attitude that has devastated our rainforests, cheap fuel, gas guzzling cars and over burning of coal in power stations, that has resulted in unacceptable levels of pollution?
All largely in the interests of commercial success and allowed to run amok by those self same bureaucrats, who now desperately try to make themselves look good by solving the problem.

And they wonder why we do not trust them.

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