Have a look at this blog for more info on the Cold War and European politics in the last half of the 20th C.: "http://www.andreas.com/berlin-more.html"
My blog contains entries on Art, History, Archaeology, Politics, Philosophy, Amateur Radio and whatever takes my fancy that day. You will find more real arguments than belief in my expressions. I may not like your potential comments, but I will defend your right to say whatever you feel at any time - only: please stay clear if you feel I need to be saved religiously. I am not interested.
Does anyone really care who or what I am? It will all be forgotten one day - but perhaps my writing, my paintings, my thoughts will live on? That, more than anything else, will give me away. So, I hope you will enjoy the fruits of my searches, my ideas and conclusions, finding your own serendipity.
Or as so eloquently put in the old Norse poem, Havamal:
"Beasts die,
Friends die,
Even you will also die.
But I know one thing
that never dies:
the memory of all men".
Quite an illusion - but if you work hard on it, then perhaps - - - ?
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