The "Demon in us all" was inspired by too many experiences in the Management Consulting world. Enough said. I am also a fan of the COBRA painters from the 50s and 60s, e.g. Asger Jorn, and the expressionist Emil Nolde. Kandinsky's almost mathematical formulations is another model I shall have a look at. I am working on a style of my own, although most painters freely admit that they have been 'inspired' by others, i.e tried to develop their own way of expression while leaning towards a copy of their ideals. Picasso and Velasquez is a good example and so is the majority of the American impressionists, who all spent their major formative years in Paris studying Renoir, Manet, Monet and others. Carlsen and Childe are amongst my American favourites.
In 1976 I lived in Zeeuwsch Vlanderen in Holland. It is an area rich in history from the 17th C.

In January 2008 we decided to bring over Natali's cats to London. It is a long an

I dubbed the painting "Shelter" for obvious reasons (I hope) and tried to express it in an almost allegoric painting that should reflect Natali's attitude to her animals.
It is for sale at £21,000.
Oh - greed, you say?
Well, that seems to be the only value endemic in our society; £5,000 pr. cat and £6,000 for Natali.
Or perhaps it indicates: Not for sale?
Up to you, the reader!
And then, of course, there are my drawings from the Carpathian

Simple farms like this one in Slavsko, with one cow, a few chicken and a cageful of rabbits are scattered over the hill sides.

In this cabin above the village of Slavsko, Nikolai and his wife spend the days while cutting the autumn's grass - they were incredibly hospitable, offering vodka and soured milk as we passed.
An almost J.J.Rousseau'sk experience
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